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本文摘要:In an age of contactless cards and paying with your smartphone, the idea of getting cash out of an ATM machine may seem a little dated.在这个非接触式智能卡和智能手机缴付流行的时代,去ATM机取钱变得有点过时。

In an age of contactless cards and paying with your smartphone, the idea of getting cash out of an ATM machine may seem a little dated.在这个非接触式智能卡和智能手机缴付流行的时代,去ATM机取钱变得有点过时。But now a bank in Poland is trying to bring the cash machine into the 21st century by creating an app which lets you order one of the devices straight to your door.然而,波兰一家银行于是以力争让ATM机带入21世纪。他们发售了一款应用程序,你可以必要购票一台ATM机直奔家门口。Customers choose a location and a time they want to use the ATM, and an electric-powered BMW pulls up with one of the machines fitted into a hole where one of the rear windows usually goes.顾客只需自由选择想用于ATM机的时间和地点。

随后,一辆后窗玻璃方位装有取款机的电动宝马车之后不会停车在你购票的地点。The Idea Bank, which is running the fleet of cars, says the service is currently limited to business customers who want to deposit large amounts of money at the end of a working day.这支ATM机车队由Idea银行运营。他们回应,这种服务目前仅限于想要在当天营业完结后把大笔现金现金账户的商业客户。

Rather than walking with the cash to a machine, often at night, customers will now be able to make a deposit from outside their home or office.如此,这些客户就可以在家或办公室门口赚钱,而需要在晚上带着现金去找ATM机。Dominik Fajbusiewicz, a board member of Idea Bank, said: Entrepreneurs who personally deliver their income to the bank or a stationary CDM waste both their time and money.Idea银行董事会成员多米尼克法步兹维克兹说道:“企业家特地把钱存到银行或相同的自动存款机,是在浪费他们的时间和金钱。Our service aims at lifting that weight off their shoulders.“我们的服务志在减低他们的开销。

”The bank said a survey of its members found that up to 80 per cent of them made bank deposits at the end of the day, many of them after dark.该银行称之为,他们的调查找到,高达80%的商业客户不会在上班后赚钱,而且大多是在天黑以后。On average, including walking times, these deposits took a little over an hour, so in order to make life simpler for them, the bank developed its new service.一般而言,还包括走路时间在内,整个存款过程须要花费一个小时多一点的时间。

因此,为了让商业客户的生活更为便捷,银行必须研发新的服务。While the fleet of cars is currently only available in Warsaw, the company is taking suggestions for the next city they should offer it in.虽然这支车队目前只在大城华沙服务,但银行正在考虑到把这一模式引进下一个城市。

