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来源: / 发布时间:2024-08-22 03:21:02 / 浏览次数:

本文摘要:Rents in San Francisco and Silicon Valley have reached such unprecedented heights that some Facebook engineers reportedly asked Mark Zuckerberg for help paying rent, some Twitter employees earning 160,000 dollars feel like theyre barely scraping by, and even some residents making six-figures can qualify as low-income and receive subsidies.旧金山和硅谷的房租空前加剧,有报导称之为,一些脸书的工程师催促扎克伯格老大他们缴房租,一些收益16万美元的推特员工感觉自己不能只得为生,甚至一些收益6位数的居民也可以被归属于“低收入”行列并拒绝接受补贴。

Rents in San Francisco and Silicon Valley have reached such unprecedented heights that some Facebook engineers reportedly asked Mark Zuckerberg for help paying rent, some Twitter employees earning 160,000 dollars feel like theyre barely scraping by, and even some residents making six-figures can qualify as low-income and receive subsidies.旧金山和硅谷的房租空前加剧,有报导称之为,一些脸书的工程师催促扎克伯格老大他们缴房租,一些收益16万美元的推特员工感觉自己不能只得为生,甚至一些收益6位数的居民也可以被归属于“低收入”行列并拒绝接受补贴。Now, Googles parent company, Alphabet, has come up with a patch: It is paying about 30 million dollars to provide temporary, prefab housing for 300 of its employees.现在,谷歌母公司Alphabet明确提出了一项解决方案:花费大约3000万美元为300名员工获取临时的钢架住房。According to The Wall Street Journal, Alphabet is making a significant investment in modular housing built and shipped in from elsewhere by the start-up Factory OS, because the current local offerings are so overpriced.据《华尔街日报》报导,由于目前当地供应的住房价格过低,Alphabet将投放巨资出售初创公司Factory OS在别处修建并载运过来的钢架住房。

Rents for these apartments are expected to be more moderate.这些钢架公寓的租金预计将更为低廉。Factory OS founder and CEO Rick Holliday says that a previous project that he built using modular technology saved tenants 700 dollars a month in rent because of reduced construction costs.Factory OS创始人兼任首席执行官里克·霍勒戴着回应,通过减少建筑成本,他此前用于组合式技术修建的项目每月可为租客节省700美元的租金。Forbes points out that tech companies continue to grow and hire in Silicon Valley, which will exacerbate the areas housing shortage.《福布斯》认为,科技公司在硅谷之后快速增长和聘用,将不会激化该地区的住房紧缺。

